Hydro Jet Facial

Hydro Jet FacialHydro Dermabrasion is a significant advance in skincare technology and a crystal-free alternative to microdermabrasion. Utilizing water jets, this process breaks up the outer layer of skin to reveal a smoother, more radiant, and even skin tone. The Hydro Jet Facial is gentle and very relaxing without discomfort. While effective on all skin types, it is perfect for people who want to exfoliate but have extremely sensitive skin. After treatment, the skin may become slightly pink, but the color subsides quickly as this treatment increases circulation and lymph flow. To achieve the best results an initial series of treatments is recommended.

Benefits of the Hydro Jet Facial

  • Safely treats all skin colors and types.
  • Immediate visible results after the first treatment.
  • Improves skin elasticity and muscle tone.
  • Improves the appearance of aging and thickening skin.
  • Diminishes the appearance of fine lines.
  • Helps repair sun-damaged skin.
  • Encourages softer, smoother skin.
  • Reduces the appearance of scar tissue.